Intranet development Auckland | Intranet development New Zealand

help your staff work more efficiently

An intranet can help your business save both time and money by providing various business online services. One of the benefits of building your corporate Intranet on the DNN Platform is access to many thousands of modules to plug-in to the system.

A few of the most common modules and features we deploy on our client Intranets:.


Active Directory authentication

Staff members are automatically logged in via their Windows username. Set up of various security roles, and configuring view and edit rights for various sections of the Intranet.

Roles based security model

Standard feature of DNN, allows administrators to delegate read and write access rights to any part of the Intranet, whether it be entire sections, pages, or individual modules.

Document Exchange

Premium third party module that offers a fully featured Document Management System, with integrated security. Easy for administrators to organise, secure and share files, easy for staff to find files, and watch folders for changes.

Custom search engine

True spidering and indexing of all Intranet content, including indexing inside of Word, Excel, and PDF documents. Search results obey security permissions meaning you only see results for pages or files if you have view access to those resources.


Area where staff can communicate with each other, ask questions and share ideas.


Empower staff to easily document systems and processes to a shared company knowledgebase/wiki - keep IP when staff leave!

Internal social networking

Social networking module which gives a Facebook type experience to a section of the Intranet. Staff members can add each other as Friends and follow what their friends are doing; they can also form Groups to share ideas. Groups can be created for internal Projects and all staff working on that Project are added as Group members. When there is Group activity (such as a ‘wall’ post or forum post, which may include file attachments) all group members are notified of such via their Activity Feed.

Birthday greetings

Custom built module that makes a “song and dance” on a staff members birthday (balloons floating over Intranet, and ‘happy birthday’ song plays through their speakers). Module for Intranet homepage that lists whose birthday it is today, and who has upcoming birthdays this week. Make your intranet feel personal!

Staff Directory

Custom staff profile configuration, custom layout of staff directory listings page and staff detail page. Easy for staff to look up and connect with other staff members, and see what groups other staff belong to.

What’s New

Custom homepage module to aggregate updates on various parts of the Intranet and list what’s new and related for the logged in user, e.g. recently news posts, recent file uploads or Group activity.

Classified listings

Staff can advertise for such things as Flatmates wanted, pets for sale, carpooling, etc. Email notifications when there is activity for listings that you are following/watching.

Video gallery

Powerful module for uploading and listing videos in a YouTube like way, but privately stored on your secure Intranet. See for full feature list.

Photo gallery

Easily create albums, and upload photos.

Blog/company news

Module for listing regular updates, whether it be the CEO’s blog, company news, or a staff social club notice board. Featured news module can be listed on the homepage (or any page) to pull in top news stories.

Company/policy notifications

Custom module to force staff to read and accept important company policy updates or any news that requires confirmation that it’s been read, and track when staff have agreed to a policy notification.

Custom forms

We’ve created various custom forms for our Intranet clients, such as staff leave request forms, expense claim forms. You can also use our form creator module to create your own forms.


Allows staff to create their own ‘shortcuts’ menu on the Intranet, for quick easy access to their favourite pages, people, or groups.

Custom integration

We can custom program modules to integrate with any other systems. Some examples of what we’ve done include synchronising user profile data stored in DNN with other database system, and integration with CRM systems.

Contact us to receive a free 1 hour consultation and quote on Intranet or Extranet development.

Our Intranet clients include